Hello friends!
I thought I'd do a bit of a recap on the Year, by showing you what the Oh My Marie Universe loved!
Yep...I called it the Universe...I'm watching too much MARVEL and WWE stuff I realise that!
I'd love to know what your favourite purchase was this Year. Feel free to let me know in the comments!
Most Popular Listing: The Oh My, Marie! Mystery Box
The mystery box was a bit of a trial to see what people thought of the whole idea of paying for a box of surprises. It went down so well - I sold a fair few mystery boxes. Thank you to all who put their faith in me to send them a box of goodies which they loved. I had great feedback too so it is certainly something I will be reviving in the New Year.
I'm also contemplating going down the route of subscription or themed boxes, but I need to really make sure customers like what I put together. So - any suggestions would be more than welcome. What would your perfect mystery or subscription box contain?

Most Wanted Brooches : Witchy Halloween Hoot by She Loves Blooms
This absolutely stunning brooch was Halloween themed but that mattered not one bit - she was first released in July and I restocked her 4 times, the love for her was that massive!

Yvette aka She Loves Blooms is based in Singapore. She is awesome and I feel so lucky to be a stockist of her creations.
I adore anything she designs, because what she creates comes from the heart. Every collection has a special meaning to her and if you follow her on social media and read about her brooches, her posts are like lessons about endangered species and they get you thinking!
Please check out her website if you haven't done already! www.shelovesblooms.com
I will be restocking She Loves Blooms towards the end of January and I will do my best to get more Witchy Halloween Hoots for all you spooky babes out there!
Most Wanted Brooches: Cocktail Pin Up by Laliblue
The ultimate brooch for the Summer was this modern classic - the detail in this brooch was astonishing! The frosted-effect glass, the pin up with her rubber ring, her sweet daisy swimming cap, the strawberry garnish...every time I looked at this brooch I noticed a new detail! I adore this so much and it looks as though you did too!

Laliblue is a Spanish brand who not only create the most beautiful jewellery using different acrylic and wood, they also collaborate with other makers including Lipstick and Chrome.
I started stocking Laliblue back in April and I now order on a regular basis. As with Lipstick and Chrome, I am able to take pre orders on any of the Laliblue jewellery so if you wanted a Christmas brooch in the middle of Summer for example, just send me an email and it can be done!
Laliblue are taking a very well deserved break over the festive period, however pre-orders will be open again on the Oh My, Marie! website from the 7th January.
Most Wanted Brooches: Hollygagger by Lipstick and Chrome (designed by Johanna Parker)
Halloween was mega when it came to brooch designs this Year. There were so many awesome inventions by lots of talented artists. You loved the cheeky Hollygagger, who was created by Johanna Parker and Lipstick and Chrome.

I am currently taking a bit of a festive break (that was the plan anyway, with coronavirus hitting our house 'sealing the deal' on that idea!) However pre orders are currently open for Lipstick and Chrome items on the website, including seasonal pieces too! If I was to recommend one brooch, it would be the Stay Tuned TV brooch. It is large (but not heavy) and you can pop your fave picture into the TV screen. It is like a locket of sorts, and absolutely awesome!

I did, thank you Marie, and was astonished that I only had one of the featured brooches, must try harder lol. Thank you for all your amazing organising skills, your personal touches and never ending patience
I'd like to see an Oh Marie exclusive brooch, perhaps done annually if that could be made cost effectively by one of your indie suppliers, things that relate to your business and your favourite things, just a suggestion
Much love and looking forwards to the future of your increasing growth